Thursday, December 18, 2014

Why I recommend Alpha H Liquid Gold to anyone with hormonal acne

Alpha H Liquid Gold review
This is a hugely personal post but I really do think that this post could be of use to anyone suffering the misery of hormonal acne.

My first disclaimer is that this is not a sponsored post (although obviously if Alpha H were reading this and wanted to send me a lifetime supply then G'day mates!) and this is probably about the 4th or 5th time I have written about Alpha H Liquid Gold on my blog-it was my holy grail discovery product of 2013 and now I just tend to use it when I need to. 

And recently I needed to.

As regular readers know, I was diagnosed with cancer in July and it was a hugely traumatic time.  I felt quite low for a while and didn't wear any make up for over a month because I just didn't see the point.  I wasn't really even following my usual rigorous skincare routine because I struggled to bend over the sink after my surgery for a few weeks and so I used a lot of micellair water to clean my skin in the evening.  And my skin was ok.  I remember thinking I was relieved because having bad skin on top of everything else would have very much depressed me.

As I have gotten better after surgery I went back to my normal skincare routine steps and wearing makeup and all was good.  Until the first week of December when my skin literally hated me.

All of a sudden I had terribly hormonal acne around my jaw line.  On the 1st December my skin looked like this (NB all these photos are taken directly after cleansing and toning in the morning).

Alpha H Liquid Gold review

Alpha H Liquid Gold review

It was out of the blue and they just kept appearing-spot after painful spot.  It was time to get out the Alpha H.

My second disclaimer is that you're not about to see perfect skin.  You're about to see real skin.

So that was my skin on the 1st December.  After using Alpha H Liquid Gold (and I will explain how I used it in a moment) on alternate evenings this is how it had healed up in the 4th December

Alpha H Liquid Gold review

And by the 6th December it had improved to this

Alpha H Liquid Gold review

Alpha H Liquid Gold review

Firstly, the relief was immense that my skin was improving.  And it's been 'back to normal' since.  My doctor has said that my hormones will be all over the place and I don't know why this bad breakout occurred but luckily Alpha H sorted the problem in a few days.  After I started using Liquid Gold on the 1st not one new spot appeared.

Ok so let me give you the lowdown-the what and the how

The what

Alpha H is a Glycolic Acid solution.  Glycolic acid exfoliates and helps to renew cell production as well as boosting collagen production.  The exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, encouraging new ones to the skins surface faster and reduce pore size.  It contains licorice which helps reduce acne and hyper-pigmentation, and Glycolic Acid (derived from sugar cane) which jump-starts the skin's metabolism, improving the texture by dissolving the bonds that hold dead skin cells together, allowing them to be sloughed away during your morning cleanse.

The how

Liquid Gold has quite a specific usage for best results.  You apply it every other night, just apply to a cotton pad (not soak, just a few drops) and wipe it over your face-as if using a toner.  And it's recommended not to put anything on your skin afterwards. So literally just cleanse (or double cleanse) apply the Liquid Gold and then leave it.  The first few times you use it your skin will tingle.  But it shouldn't tingle for more than 30 seconds or so.  It's also recommended you wear SPF during the day when using Liquid Gold because your skin will be more susceptible to burning.

I didn't change anything else in my routine-I was sure it was hormonal rather than an allergic reaction to something, I just added the Liquid Gold every other evening instead of double toning and using my usual serum.

I said this in my first review and I am going to end by saying the same thing.  This is an expensive treatment.  It retails at £33.50 for 100ml and £44.95 for the 200ml size.  But I don't believe you can put a price on self esteem and I feel so so much happier with my skin at the moment.  I bought another 200ml size from Cult Beauty and will immediately repurchase when I finish it.

I would love to know if you have tried this product and what you think?

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